6 Reasons Why Your GA4 Reports Might Be Wrong
- Missing Tags – This is the most common error of wrong data. This generally happens when new pages are added or the existing pages are redesigned/recoded and the developer forgets to include the tags. Make sure all of your pages are tagged with Google Analytics code. You can use a tool like GAChecker, to verify if the Google Analytics tags are missing on any pages of your site.
- Mistagged Pages – Incorrect implementation or double tagging leads to wrong data in Google Analytics. Double tagging results in increased page views and a low bounce rate. If your bounce rate is lower than 20% then that’s the first thing you should check.
- Location of GA Tags – Placing the tag towards the bottom of the page could result in no data, particularly for users with slow connections or pages that are slow to load. This happens when a user tries to load a page and clicks on another link before the first page is loaded. Since the Google Analytics tag is towards the bottom of the page, it might not get a chance to execute. To avoid this issue, put your Google Analytics JavaScript in the <head> section of the page.
- Incorrect Filters – Wrong Filters can mess up the data and distort the view. Always create an unfiltered view so that you have the correct data to fall back on.
- Tags Not Firing Properly – This can happen when your page(s) have JavaScript errors. A JavaScript error on any part of the page can result in an error in Google Analytics code. Verify the JavaScript on your site to make sure there are no errors.
- Sampling – Sampling happens on highly trafficked sites. Sampling in Google Analytics is the practice of selecting a subset of data from your traffic and reporting on the trends available in that sample set. For most purposes, this might not be a non-issue however it can be of concern in eCommerce sites where sampling can (will) result in wrong sales figures. You can get more information about GA sampling on “How Sampling Works“.
Posted in: Implementation